Known issue with xScreen and Hx6 / iQ6 v7.0.0r Software

Updated by Bryan Jones


There is a known software combination that causes Hx6 or iQ6 to crash when it is working in conjunction with xScreen from Broadcast Bionics. This does not apply to the Telos VX System. Read the following for more information.


There is a known issue where XScreen can send a command that randomly causes the HX6 or iQ6 to crash. It's to do with the caller's details and a certain character being in a certain position when sent to the phone system from xScreen. It happens more often when 1 or more VSets do not have the IP address of the PC running xScreen in the Menu > Engine Setup > Screener IP field.

There is currently a beta version of xScreen that works around this problem:

xScreen version (not Telos software)

If you are currently not running this version and are experiencing issues with Hx6 locking up, please contact Broadcast Bionics to obtain this version.

Also, be sure that all VSets in the system have the IP address of the PC running xScreen in the Menu > Engine Setup > Screener IP address field.

Software updates for the Hx6 system and VSet can be found under the Software heading here:
Software updates for the iQ6 system and VSet can be found under the Software heading here:

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