Start/Stop iProfiler recordings with Pathfinder Core Pro

Updated by Brett Patram


Axia iProfiler archives can be configured to operate in Skimmer mode. Skimmer mode allows the archive recorder to be started or stopped, controlled by Livewire GPIO pin states. Axia Pathfinder Core Pro can set Livewire GPIO pin states. By using Pathfinder logic flows, the Archive skimming can started or stopped based on many different conditions

This helpdoc article will go over two popular example of using Pathfinder Core Pro to start/stop skimming in an iProfiler archive



Example #1: Audio Level starts/stops Skimmer

In this example, an Audio Alarm in Pathfinder will observe the level of a Phone hybrid from a Telos VX Hybrid. When there is audio level present, the skimmer will be turned on ON, when there is silence the skimmer will be turned OFF

  1. Create an Audio Source in iProfiler Server

In iProfiler Server application, click on Audio Sources button

If you already have audio sources defined, then skip to step #2

Click the Add button to add an Audio Source, then click OK. In this example I am using Livewire In 01

  1. Configure Source Skim Input for that Audio Source

Highlight the Audio Source and select Configure Source Skim Inputs

For Input 1:

Set the Node drop down to IP-Audio Driver

Set Port to GPO 1

Set Pin to 1

This means that GPIO Input 1 for the defined audio source "Test1" will be linked to the GPIO Port #1, Output Pin #1 of the installed Axia IP Driver that runs on the iProfiler server.

  1. Create an Archive in iProfiler Server

If you already have an Archive created. Click on it, then click Stop. Then click Edit and skip ahead to the "Record" tab

In iProfiler server click the Add button to create a new archive

Give the archive a name, and set it to Start automatically when iProfiler starts

On the Audio Source tab, set the Audio Device to the one that was created/ edited earlier with the Skim Source Input config

If this is a new Archive, you will then need to go to the Bitrates tab to set recording bitrate. Then go to the Storage tab to set the folder location where the recordings should be saved. By default, the location will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Archive\NameOfTheArchive

  1. Configure Archive for Skimming

On the Record tab:

Set "Record Mode" to Skimming (allows archive to only record when skimming is active)

Check 1 for "Skim Switches" (tells archive to use Input 1, this is what we configured on the Configure Source Skim Inputs for the Audio Source)

Set "Activate when switch is:" to Closed

Click OK on the Archive Options.

If this is a new Archive you will be asked if you want iProfiler to create the folder location for saving recordings. Click Yes. You will then be asked if you want to grant all users access to this archive. Click Yes.

  1. Create an Audio Alarm in Core Pro
    Now that the iProfiler Audio Source and Archive have been configured to support skimming we can move on to configuring Pathfinder

Login to the Pathfinder Core Pro web ui and go to the Audio Alarms page

On the Audio Alarms page, on the right side of the page near the bottom of the list will be a + button.

Click that to create a new audio alarm

Create and configure the Audio Alarm

See Pathfinder CorePRO user manual for details on Audio Alarm settings

  1. Create a Logic Flow in Core Pro

The Logic flow will read the current state of the audio alarm to determine what state to set the GPO Pin of iProfiler's Switch Input (IP Driver GPIO Port 1, GPO Pin 1 is tied to iProfiler Audio Source Test1, Switch Input 1)

Go to the Logic flows page and create a new logic flow

Double click on the Start Point to set its Property

Under Audio Alarms, find the Audio Alarm you just created

Select the Alarm State Property

Click Select

Double click on the End Point to set its property

Under GPIO, find the IP Address of the iProfiler server. These are the GPIO ports of the IP Driver that runs on the iProfiler Server

Open 1 GPO (or the name of GPIO port 1 if its named)

Open Pin 1

Select PinState

Click select

Double click on the Translator block to set translator values

The translator only requires two lines:

  • AudioPresent = l
  • * = h

Click done and then click Apply to save the work

Logic flow should look similar to this

  1. Try it out

Ensure that the Audio Source used in the Silence Alarm has audio present

The Logic Flow should indicate Audio Present like shown below:

In iProfiler, select the Archive in the list and click the Show button to bring up its status window

Look for skim ON -- this means that the skimmer is actively recording

Remove audio from the Audio Source used in the Silence Alarm

The Logic Flow should indicate Silent like shown below:

In iProfiler Archive status window, look for skim OFF -- this means that the skimmer is stopped, no longer recording

Example #2: User Panel button starts/stops Skimmer

Follow steps 1-4 from Example #1 to configure skimming on an iProfiler archive
  1. Create a new user panel

In CorePro select User Panels from the left hand side navigation

If you have an existing user panel to add to, then click the Edit link for that user panel in the list

On the User Panels page, on the right side of the page near the bottom of the list will be a + button.

Click that to create a new User Panel

  1. Add a button to user panel

Select the Button object and drag onto the panel

  1. Configure button Action
    Sets what will happen when the user presses the button

    Click on the button so that it is highlighted

    On the right hand side of the panel editor, is the property tables for the selected object (the button)

    Expand the "event" section

    For mousedown click on the button so that it turns blue

After clicking the button for mousedown, a logic flow will appear at the bottom of the page

This is the logic flow that will set the GPO pin state when the button is clicked

Click on the EndPoint of the Logic Flow

The Property Selector window will appear

Just like in Example #1, step #6. We want to select the GPIO Port, and GPO Pin of the IP Driver that runs on the iProfiler server. This needs to be the same Port and GPO pin that we used to define the Skimmer Input for the iProfiler Audio Source

Pick the correct GPIO port, pick the correct GPO Pin and select the PinState Property

The Translator Properties window will appear

We only need to set one line, like in the screenshot below

  • True = Swap

This will allow us to use a single button to start and stop the skimmer. Each time the user button is pressed, it will "swap" the GPO pin state between L or H (On or Off)

Click Done

You will be prompted to set the button color binding, CLICK CANCEL

Save changes made to the panel

  1. Configure button Indicator

Turns button indicator ON or OFF based on GPO pin state of Axia IP Driver

Click on the button again so that it is highlighted

On the right hand side of the panel editor, is the property table for the selected object (the button)

For indicator, click on the button so that it turns blue

After clicking the button for indicator, a logic flow will appear at the bottom of the page

This is the logic flow that will set the button's indicator ON or OFF depending on the GPO Pin state

Click on the Start Point of the Logic Flow

The Property Selector window will appear

Pick the correct GPIO port, pick the correct GPO Pin and select the PinState Property

This is going to be the same GPIO Port and GPO Pin that you used in the previous step for the mouse down action. However, in this case, instead of setting the pin state we are reading what the current pin state it. We use it to control if the button indicator will be ON or OFF.

The Translator Properties window will appear

We only need to set two lines, like in the screenshot below

  • l = ON (or pick flash if you want button to flash)
  • * = OFF

Click Done

You will be prompted to set the mouse down action, CLICK CANCEL (we already set this)

Save changes made to the panel

  1. Configure button Caption
    Sets the button text based on GPO pin state of Axia IP Driver

Click on the button again so that it is highlighted

On the right hand side of the panel editor, is the property table for the selected object (the button)

For caption, click on the button so that it turns blue

After clicking the button for indicator, a logic flow will appear at the bottom of the page

This is the logic flow that will set the button's indicator ON or OFF depending on the GPO Pin state

Click on the Start Point of the Logic Flow

The Property Selector window will appear

Pick the correct GPIO port, pick the correct GPO Pin and select the PinState Property

This is going to be the same GPIO Port and GPO Pin that you used in the previous step for the mouse down action. However, in this case, instead of setting the pin state we are reading what the current pin state it. We use it to control if the button indicator will be ON or OFF.

The Translator Properties window will appear

We only need to set two lines, like in the screenshot below:

  • l = Recording Active
  • * = Recording Stopped

You can use any text, as this will dynamically set the button caption when the skimmer is activated or stopped

Click Done

Save changes made to the panel

  1. Try it out

    Launch the user panel you just created

    You should initially see that the button shows the text "Recording Stopped" (or whatever you set it to), as well the button color should be green (or whatever color you set for the backcoloroff property)

    As well, in iProfiler for the Archive you configured the skimming for. That should indicate the state as: "Active, skim OFF"

    Now, click on the button

    It should now show the text "Recording Stopped" (or whatever you set it to), as well the button color should be red(or whatever color you set for the backcoloron property)

    The Archive in iProfiler should also indicate the state as: "Active, skim ON"

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