What do the PSU colors represent on the PowerStation?

Updated by Tim Chimes


The PowerStation's PSU LED on the front panel can display 3 different colors, depending on how it is currently receiving power. This can be helpful for troubleshooting use if you suspect you are having power issues with Main or the Aux unit.

What do the colors mean?

Green: The Main unit is receiving AC power from the wall, as well as DC power from the Aux unit.

Yellow: The Main unit is receiving AC power from the wall, but no DC power from the Aux unit. This can mean the Aux unit is having power issues, or could simply be unplugged from the wall.

Red: The Main unit is not getting AC power from the wall, and is only getting DC power from Aux unit.

The above indications also apply to the PowerStation Aux
False Indications:

If the MIX ENGINE -> OPTIONS -> BACKUP POWER setting is set to Yes and there is no PowerStation Aux existing, you'll get a false reading on the power indicator.

If there is no PowerStation Aux present, set this to No.

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