Setting the Volt Input Source Using SNMP

Updated by Mark Manolio


This document details how to setup the Volt to change the input source via SNMP.


The Volt's input source can be changed via SNMP using the "voltCurrentInput" parameter.


First set a "Community" name in the Volt's SNMP webpage. Here I set it to "MarkDesk":

Enter that same community name for "Write Community" in your MIB browser:


Now when I right-click on "voltCurrentInput", I can select "Set" without error and then type the input I would like to change to in the "Value" box. In this example, I used Analog:

When setting the input be sure to type input names correctly. Choices are Analog, AES/EBU and Livewire.

After clicking "OK", the input changes and I see this confirmation in my MIB Browser:

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