Using an ATM without Adobe Flash

Updated by Johnny Goldsmith

First - Credit where credit is due

Telos Alliance would like to thank transmitter manufacturer and Telos partner Nautel. They faced a similar situation where their AUI (Advanced User Interface) relied on Flash. They developed a Windows and Mac application to allow continued access to their legacy Flash AUI. This application works great controlling an ATM (Automated Time Manager), and Nautel has graciously allowed us to share this solution with you.

For information about using Nautel's legacy AUI access application, visit

Some important disclaimers.
This software is provided to you with the hope that you will find it useful; however, is provided "AS IS," without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose - in this case, controlling your ATM.
If you have issues with your ATM, DO NOT CONTACT NAUTEL. They will not be able to assist you with the use of this product outside of its intended purpose, to control your Nautel transmitter. This is a very simple product to use; however, if you have questions please feel free to contact Telos Alliance and we will do our best to help you.


Unfortunately, ATM has been discontinued for many years and the hardware and OS are too old to support the HTML5 that is required to replace Flash. No software updates are currently planned for ATM.

However, an ATM can be used with Nautel's Legacy AUI Access application mentioned above.

The Process

Visit the Nautel FTP site and download the application

  1. Did we mention the disclaimers above?
  2. Extract and Run the application.
  3. In the Add Transmitter box, enter the IP Address of your ATM and click Add
  4. Select the newly added ATM IP Address from the Transmitters: list and click Connect
  1. A new window will open, prompting you for your Username and Password.

Once connected, you can control your ATM.

Let us know how we can help

If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.

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