Recording Caller ID on the Hx6
Hx6/iQ6: Listening to an "on-hook" line for making audio recordings of Caller ID FSK for analysis.
By this time, you've already gone through the process of logging the POTS interface for caller ID. If Telos support has told you that the caller ID mechanism in the POTS interface isn't decoding caller ID, then the next step will be to log in with supervisor rights and re-route audio so that we can monitor and record an "on-hook" line.
If you have not yet logged the interface, please go to this page before continuing:
The DSPs in the Hx6 are always receiving audio from the phone lines ‐ that's how it decodes Caller ID, after all. Normally, that audio simply doesn't go anywhere. The DSP isn't told to process it or route it to the studio outputs until the a call is put on hybrid or handset using VSet or a controller client of some kind. Using one of these control surfaces always take the line off hook, and that will of course make it busy so that we cannot receive a call and monitor the Caller ID signal. However, there is a command line interface with a host of debugging and testing tools that can set the audio route properly without taking the line off hook.
Listening to an Unanswered Line
If it is not already, put your Hx6 on the network (or use a crossover cable to connect to a PC's Ethernet port). Set up the Ethernet interface (System‐>TCP/IP Setup...) so that you can start a telnet session. The telnet server in the Hx6 application is one higher than standard, so using your favorite telnet client (if you don’t have one, we recommend PuTTY), make a connection to port 24. You'll be greeted, and see a prompt. Issue the commands you see after the >>
prompt below (both commands are responses are shown, so you can see what to expect):
Hx6 V1.6.1b, 2011-09-27 17:16
Enter '?' for help.
>>login Telos
login Telos
Logged in with user rights.
>>login lola
login lola
Logged in with supervisor rights.
Now, configure the Hx6 to put the first POTS line's audio to the DSPs (this example will always use the first line, and the first hybrid. If you're having trouble with a different line, you'll have to swap it to port 1 of the first line card temporarily):
>>tslot 14 40
tslot 14 40
14:EC-studio-1 <- 40:Hybrid-1
>>tslot 40 14
tslot 40 14
40:Hybrid-1 <- 14:EC-studio-1
Now, configure the Hx6 to put the first POTS line's audio to the DSPs (this example will always use the first line, and the first hybrid. If you're having trouble with a different line, you'll have to swap it to port 1 of the first line card temporarily):
>>tslot 14 40
tslot 14 40
14:EC-studio-1 <- 40:Hybrid-1
>>tslot 40 14
tslot 40 14
40:Hybrid-1 <- 14:EC-studio-1
Lastly, enable the studio output, with the hybrid disabled:
>>hybrid 0 4
hybrid 0 4
Now, you're ready to record a caller ID burst. Set your equipment to record an uncompressed wav file, and then call into the first line on the Hx6. You'll get a loud burst from the Hx6's first studio out (first ring). Next, you should hear a short set of modem tones. Lastly, another loud burst (second ring). Save the sound file, and send it to: