xSelector Meter Issues Running version 2.4.7

Updated by Bryan Jones


This document applies to the Telos Alliance xNodes and specifically to to the xSelector from the xNode family. The issue addressed here does not exist in the Analog, AES or Mixed Signal xNodes.


As of this writing the shipping version of xNode software for all variants is version 2.4.7 and all new units will have this version installed. We have identified an issue where the front panels meters and the HTML5 meters in the wepage appear to be reversed or do not work. While the xSelector otherwise works fine, there is patched version of xNode software to address this.

Updating your xSelector

Please note that while there are no known issues and this update does resolve the meter issue is a patch and not a full release version. There is the possibility that an undesirable regression exists in which case you can return to the 2.4.7 version in the other software bank.
  1. Click here to download the 2.4.14 update page and save it to a location on your comptuer.
  2. Using a Web Browser navigate to the System page of your xSelector. The current versions and software update banks are shown at the bottom of this page
Telos Alliance xNodes use two banks for software updating. This allows easy reversion to the previously installed versions. xNodes must be running from Bank 1 in order to update. In the above image you can see Bank 1 is currently selected and Active. If you do not have a button to choose a new software upload, you must tick the box that says "commit this version to Bank 0" and then press Apply. This will NOT reboot the xNode but will move the current bank to Bank 0 so you can perform the update. Note that after the commit, Bank 1 is now empty and there is a Choose File button.
  1. Click the Choose File button, browse for and select the update package downloaded in Step 1. You do NOT need to Select Bank 1 durring this step. Just choose the update file.
  2. Once you have chosen the file, click Apply

The xNode will go through the process of uploading, unpacking, and installing the package. Your browser will show this and should be complete in under two minutes.

The xNode is NOT rebooted durring this process so no streams will be interrupted. Once complete Bank 1 will show the version 2.4.14 that you just uploaded.

Activating the new Software Bank

WARNING - The following steps will reboot the xNode to activate the new bank. All streams will be stopped for approximately 90 seconds durring this process.

  1. From the System page of your xSelector, select Bank 1 and click Apply. The xSelector will IMMEDIATELY reboot.

A message in your browser will be displayed;

  1. After reboot, confirm that Bank 1 is now active and showing version 2.4.14
There is no need to "commit this version to bank 0" at this time.

Let us know how we can help

If you have further questions on this topic or have ideas about improving this document, please contact us.

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